Submit to BioDrone

Submit your BioDrone tracking results and automatically evaluate the performance. Your leaderboard will be updated in minutes.


Please login or register to submit your results.

Submission Policy

  1. Tracking results will be evaluated automatically and the reports will be made visible only to you. You will be able to make them public at any time.
  2. Please note that if you frequently submit for the same algorithm in a short period or register multiple algorithms with similar names for repeat submission, we may judge you as using the evaluation system for algorithm training. In such cases, we will send an email to your registered email address and reserve the right to disable your account.
  3. If you want to tune the parameters or test performance under different settings of your method, please use the training or validation set of BioDrone for this purpose.
  4. Note that only the latest submission will be considered.

Submission in OPE Mechanism

File Structure

Please submit your tracking results as a single .zip file. You can download an exemplar submission. Please organize your result files as follows:

|-- tracker/
    |  |-- result/
    |  |  |-- tracker_001.txt
    |  |  |-- tracker_003.txt
    |  |  |   ......
    |  |  |-- tracker_600.txt
    |  |-- time/
    |  |  |-- tracker_001.txt
    |  |  |-- tracker_003.txt
    |  |  |   ......
    |  |  |-- tracker_600.txt

Bounding Box Files

Bounding box files should be saved in the result folder. Each bounding box file is named as <tracker_XXX>.txt where XXX is the sequence number. The file contains an N×4 matrix with each line representing one object instance:

<bb_xmin>, <bb_ymin>, <bb_width>, <bb_height>

Time Files

Time files should be saved in the time folder. Each time file is named as <tracker_XXX>.txt where XXX is the sequence number. The file contains an N×1 matrix. Each line of the file is a floating number indicating the tracking runtime at a single frame.

Submission in R-OPE Mechanism

File Structure

Please submit your tracking results as a single .zip file. You can download an exemplar submission. Please organize your result files as follows:

|-- tracker/
    |  |-- result/
    |  |  |-- tracker_001.txt
    |  |  |-- tracker_003.txt
    |  |  |   ......
    |  |  |-- tracker_600.txt
    |  |  |-- init_tracker_001.txt
    |  |  |-- init_tracker_003.txt
    |  |  |   ......
    |  |  |-- init_tracker_600.txt
    |  |-- time/
    |  |  |-- tracker_001.txt
    |  |  |-- tracker_003.txt
    |  |  |   ......
    |  |  |-- tracker_600.txt

Bounding Box Files

Bounding box files should be saved in the result folder. Each bounding box file is named as <tracker_XXX>.txt where XXX is the sequence number. The file contains an N×4 matrix with each line representing one object instance:

<bb_xmin>, <bb_ymin>, <bb_width>, <bb_height>

Initialization Files

Initialization Files should be saved in the result folder. Each initialization file is named as <init_tracker_XXX>.txt where XXX is the sequence number.

Time Files

Time files should be saved in the time folder. Each time file is named as <tracker_XXX>.txt where XXX is the sequence number. The file contains an N×1 matrix. Each line of the file is a floating number indicating the tracking runtime at a single frame.